Blue Line White: Our Limited Release White Wine Blend and the Story Behind Its Name

Last month we asked our loyal Facebook followers to help us with the very important task of naming our new white wine blend. With over 40 submissions, the decision was not an easy one, but one name surfaced that demanded attention: Blue Line White.
A week before we announced our new white wine blend, Delaware State Trooper Stephen J. Ballard was shot and killed in the line of duty outside a Wawa in Bear, Delaware. Officer Ballard was not only a State Trooper, but a devoted father and husband. He had a family. He had a life.
Beth Rosebrooks stumbled upon the Harvest Ridge Facebook post during a very grey day. It was May 5, her birthday, and also the day of Officer Ballard’s funeral. The entire week had passed surrounded by an air of sadness and time for grieving. Rosebrooks’ husband, a member of the State Police’s truck enforcement unit for 20 years, was shaken by the passing of Ballard. Beth described the Delaware State Police as a family, and that family had just lost one of their own.
As Beth read through some of the other wine name suggestions, she couldn’t help but feel like everyone was missing the mark.
“I’m seeing all the names and it’s blue this, blue that, and it literally just popped in my head,” she said. “And I’m like, well Blue Line, hello? What’s wrong with you people! Do you know what’s going on right now? You know, it engulfed our lives for over a week.”
Although Rosebrooks never personally knew Officer Ballard, she had only ever heard positive things about him. Coincidentally, Rosebrooks’ daughter had also worked with Ballard at Best Buy while he was still studying at Delaware State University. She had two connections to this wonderful man, and could feel how much his death affected not only her loved ones, but so many others.
“He impacted so many people,” she said. “He was a member of everyone’s community. He wasn’t just a friend of my husband, he wasn’t just a friend of my daughter, he was a family member.”
Rosebrooks was of course thrilled when she heard the news that we had chosen her submission as the name of the new wine. The name Blue Line White serves as a reminder of the value of our law enforcement officers, and how much they mean to our communities as they protect us and everyone we care about.
When I told Rosebrooks that her hopes for giving back were being made into a reality, her excitement was contagious.
“I’m so happy that [the winery] latched onto it like that and it’s going to benefit so many people,” she said. “And that’s the Stephen way.”
To further honor the memory of Officer Ballard as well as all local law enforcement, Harvest Ridge will be holding a special release event for Blue Line White wine with a portion of wine sales going to Officer Ballard’s family. Learn more HERE.
-Leah Isenberg
Harvest Ridge Public Relations