Behind the Vines Tour Launch!

As a winery, we at Harvest Ridge pride ourselves on providing our customers with an authentic, unique approach to wine. After growing as a brand for the past four years, it seemed only appropriate to begin offering vineyard tours that allow guests to experience Harvest Ridge and its grapes up-close and personal. For only $20 a person, our customers now have the opportunity to do just that with an extensive, intimate tour of our vineyards and facilities.
If you’ve ever wanted to know how to tell a Viognier grape from a Chardonnay grape, this tour is for you. Our professional tour guides will walk you through the vineyard and identify the different grapes that make up each of our wines. Being able to differentiate between specific grapes allows the experienced wine-drinker to expand their palate….and brag to their friends about their sophisticated taste buds!
On the other hand, if you don’t have a care in the world about what grapes you’re tasting in a Vidal Blanc versus a Pinot Gris, this tour also is worth your time. During your experience behind the scenes, you will be given the chance to taste 8 of our delicious wines. Each wine has a character of its own, and your tour guide will describe them to you so that you get the full effect.
We are so excited to share the heart and soul of Harvest Ridge with you through these exclusive Behind the Vines tours. A great opportunity to spend time with family, friends, coworkers, and your other circles, our first two tour sessions on Saturday, July 29 and Sunday, July 30 from 12-2 p.m. are now available for reservation at Please consider our 14-person limit on groups when reserving, and as always, we hope you enjoy yourselves!